Radio Victory

95.60 Mhz Cable Radio

Across the Cable & Wireless Solent franchise area.

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The Sound of Greater Portsmouth

Radio Victory's Chairman David Cousins with Managing Director Jo Corben-Richards
Radio Victory's Chairman David Cousins
with Managing Director Jo Corben-Richards

After a break of almost a decade, Radio Victory sailed back on to the wavebands of radios of the Greater Portsmouth area to celebrate the Flagship City of Maritime England's 800th birthday and to commemorate the 50th anniversary of D-Day.

The Victory flag was unfirled in May/June 1994 and fluttered in the breeze for a mere 28 day sojourne. After a major rent, the ship now sails along the Solent via the latest fibre-optic streams, the Victory flag flying proudly; new horizons now beckon this sturdy and much loved vessel as she weighs anchor on a voyage towards the trade winds of a full-time FM broadcast license. For nearly three years the ship and her seasoned and dedicated crew, recognising a disenfranchised audience, have faithfully served the communities of this unique geographical conurbation - carefully delivering its bounty of much needed news-music-information and entertainment, the quality of which has long missing and greatly missed by the people she serves.

Your Voice in the Community

Radio Victory was created specifically for the area which it serves and unlike established radio operators, all of whom beam their service into our area from non-local sources, we are situated in the heart of the city. Other than popularity, our criterion is that what we broadcast has local emphasis and provides a truly local service.

Revolutionary at its inception
- still evolutionary today!

No other commercial radio station caters specifically for the unique character of our area and audience. Our programming and production team delivers and emphasises the upscale quality and above all, the local input its audience craves. Local people have a great pride in their City and Radio Victory is proud and privileged to be part of it and its community.

Radio Victory is a thoughtful, creative and quality approach to broadcasting in the area for the late 90's and beyond.

The emotional connection between us, our programming and our listeners is growing and solidifying through our 24 hours a day cable operation, and with each short period of FM transmittion (28 days).

We see no particular deviding line between news and information and general programme presentation. Much more than just a music station Radio Victory has cut across heavily formatted radio trends and restrictions to form its own genre.

We are a broad based news, music, information and entertainment service, unique in today's radio market place. We include local news and news background as a major part of our general programme format.


Radio Victory Magazine - Issue 3 out now!

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Now on Radio Victory: Not a lot - it closed in 1999!