Radio Victory

95.60 Mhz Cable Radio

Across the Cable & Wireless Solent franchise area.

To advertise here call Eagle Promotions on 01705 358853

The Radio Victory Magazine

Issue 3 of the new look Radio Victory magazine has been released. Featuring: the latest information and gossip from the station - plus the schedules for the month ahead, and lots more features like motoring, gardening, horoscopes, pet page, film reviews including an exclusive interview with Dubstar.

Published monthly by Radio Victory and available (in printed form) free from newsagents, grocers, pubs, clubs, chip shops and other participating outlets throughout South and East Hampshire.

Coming Soon!!
The Radio Victory magazine will soon be available in electronic form
on our website. Stay tuned for more information!

If you wish to advertise in the Radio Victory magazine, on this web site or on Radio Victory itself, give our promotions team a call on 01705 358853.  

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Now on Radio Victory: Not a lot - it closed in 1999!